The New Axis of Evil: Understanding U.S. „Regime Change” in Syria
June 2017, Left Forum Conference, New York, USA
What are the goals of US „regime change” in Syria? How does the U.S media narrative affect the crisis, and relate to U.S interventionism in the Middle East? What can we learn from the Western coverage of the recent chemical attacks on Syrian civilians, the role of the White Helmets, and other questionable aspects of the narrative? What are U.S/NATO/Israeli/Turkey/Saudi/Qatari motivations in Syria? This panel will discuss such questions, to shed some light on one of the world’s worst humanitarian disasters since World War Two.
Panel features former CIA analyst & Counter Terrorism Specialist Philip Giraldi, Jason Hirthler, investigative journalist & author of The Sins of Empire: Unmasking American Imperialism, and NYU Media Studies professor Mark Crispin Miller. Additional remarks by INN World Report radio host, Tom Kiely. Moderated by journalist & documentary filmmaker, Priya Reddy.
Reading List: Demonize and Distract: Sanitizing Syria for the Masses by Jason Hirthler. AND Who Is Destroying Syria? The Arab Gulf States, Israel, and Turkey all prefer anarchy to Assad. By Philip Giraldi
Learn more:
- The book Berlin Diary: The Journal of a Foreign Correspondent 1934-1941 by William L. Shirer which was mentiond in the panel can be find at Direct link to the pdf is here.
- Robert Parry’s article Obama’s Ludicrous ‘Barrel Bomb’ Theme (September 30, 2015) from