Senator Richard Black (USA) about Syria (2016): This is the first war we have ever fought in American history where we don’t even speak about eventually reaching peace

Senator Richard Black (USA, 2016, about Syria):

We don’t even talk about peace anymore. This is the first war we have ever fought in American history where we don’t even speak about eventually reaching peace. We just talk about long war, „get ready for a long war”. Forever. And I am sick of it, I am tired of it and I want to do everything I can to end it.




Dla porównania inny senator, ale nie mający w swoim słowniku słów „negocjacje”, „dyplomacja” (2013):

Richard Black o roli amerykańskiego „ambasadora” w zniszczeniu Syrii: Syria: Illegal U.S. Regime-Change Policy (New York, June 15, 2014)

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