DOC FILM (Angola z Kapuścińskim w tle): Portuguese back to Angola – Straight through Africa

Holenderski film dokumentalny o Angoli (napisy w języku angielskim). Bram Vermeulen wyrusza w podróż z Hotelu Tivoli w Luandzie z książką Kapuścińskiego.

„Bram Vermeulen is in Angola, one of the fastest growing economies in the world. In this former Portuguese colony, so much money is being earned that the Portuguese are fleeing the crisis in their own country to seek their luck in Angola.
Portugal sighs under towering unemployment, but in the meantime the economy of Angola – where people speak Portuguese – grows like cabbage. Many Portuguese people therefore come to the African country in recent years to work there. Among these guest workers are so-called 'retornados’ – people of Portuguese origin who fled the country in haste around 1975 and now find a radically different Angola than they had left behind at the time.”